Unfortunately, and as suspected, the spreading of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is forcing the change of daily routines and motivating alternatives to social interaction as well as communication.
Aligning with the new, and hopefully temporary rules of engagement, schools nationwide are sending students home, realizing that it's impossible to maintain proper #socialdistancing within the classroom. With students quarantined from the traditional learning environment, alternate methods for instruction delivery must be implemented. FrontRow wants to help teachers seeking a simple way to record and share their lesson.
Effective immediately, we are making our Teacher Edition Lesson Capture software available for anyone at no cost or commitment to buy.
Our lesson capture software is an easy-to-use solution that enables educators to capture their lessons for students to access online. The software records audio and video presented on the computer and converts it into an mp4 file, which can be shared to your desired online destination so students can access the lesson from home.
A download of the 45-day trial of the software is available at https://info.gofrontrow.com/free-lesson-capture-2020. If you wish to continue using the software after the 45-day trial, email customercare@gofrontrow.com to request a license code. FrontRow will provide one at no charge or product commitment.
During this challenging situation, we all need to come together and support the continuity of daily routines however possible. I sincerely hope that by making our Lesson Capture Software available to all educators, FrontRow is helping schools operate, despite their classrooms being empty.