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Anchor Audio, Inc.

5931 Darwin Court
Carlsbad, CA 92008
United States
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Anchor Audio - InfoComm 2016 Recap
Posted on Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Anchor Audio - InfoComm 2016 Recap

InfoComm 2016 welcomed more than 38,833 visitors – 4.8% more than the last time the show was held in Las Vegas. It is clear by its continued growth that InfoComm is the best-attended annual conference and exhibition for AV buyers and sellers in the Western Hemisphere. With more than 1,000 exhibitors and thousands of products, attendees from more than 110+ countries flocked to InfoComm – your once-a-year opportunity to see the latest audiovisual technology, learn skills that will advance your career, and grow your professional network.


Anchor Audio

Anchor Audio looks forward to InfoComm every year, and we are celebrating another successful year at the best trade show for AV professionals! If you had the chance to check out our booth and see the new Anchor AIR, thank you for for your visit.


In case you missed us, one of our favorite InfoComm highlights was our LIVE interview with Joel Rollins from rAVe Publications - watch it here.


New Anchor AIR Released at InfoComm 2016

We proudly debuted the Anchor AIR which is currently available for the Liberty and MegaVox. The Liberty and MegaVox AIR are battery powered companion speakers that wirelessly connect to the main Liberty or MegaVox 8000X-series unit with a 150+ foot range. The main AIR unit can easily connect to multiple companion speakers for complete wireless capability without the hassle of running cables between units.

The Anchor AIR is NOW SHIPPING! (hint hint, the AIR wireless companion capability will be making its way to our other popular systems within in the next few months).

Want to know more about the Anchor AIR? Click here.


Our Team in Vegas

The Anchor Audio team had a great time on the trade show floor talking with all of the dealers and attendees that stopped by every day. It is always intriguing to walk the huge trade show floor to see what it new in the AV industry. I’m sure other companies were excited about their advancements and new products, too. For Anchor, it was great to share our excitement for the new Anchor AIR while also showing off last year’s release – the Bigfoot – along with our other product lines.

The coffee and cloud-blue doughnuts in the morning was a great start to each day, and a happy hour at our booth on Wednesday and Thursday was the perfect way to end the day at InfoComm hanging out with all of our dealers and customers. Thank you all for stopping by! We hope you had a chance to grab a doughnut, a cold drink, or even both! After hours, we spent some quality time together as a team enjoying the delicious food that Vegas had to offer as well as the new Topgolf Las Vegas

See You Next Year!

Join us next year in Orlando, Florida, for InfoComm 2017!

Want to join us but not sure how to convince your boss? Check out this info for the perfect pitch:

We’ll see you next year June 10-16 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, at InfoComm 2017!
