Imagine for a moment that you live in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in 1863. You're running late to attend the dedication of the new military cemetery, where President Lincoln is expected to speak. When you arrive, almost 20,000 people are gathered and you are stuck far at the back. Thankfully, the speaker's lectern is equipped with a powerful 50-watt amp and built-in speakers from AmpliVox Sound Systems, so you never miss a syllable of "Four score and seven years ago."
This whimsical reimagining of a pivotal moment in history is part of an innovative online campaign from AmpliVox, a designer and manufacturer of sound systems and presentation equipment. The AmpliVox campaign considers the challenges that public speakers of the past would have faced in making their messages heard, and applies the perfect modern solution for each problem. Ronald Reagan demands, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" from behind a 3230 Multi-Media Lectern; JFK inspires an audience to "ask not what your country can do for you" with help from a 505 Sound Column Lectern. Even Calvin "Silent Cal" Coolidge can be heard from the back of the room thanks to a 3250 Pinnacle Lectern.
The ongoing campaign, which will be featured on AmpliVox's blog beginning in September, emphasizes the AmpliVox philosophy that crystal clear sound amplification is essential to any presentation. "Our company's mission is to match the best sound equipment to every client's needs, from a small conference room to a college lecture hall to an outdoor stadium," noted AmpliVox CEO Don Roth. "This historical figures series is a fun way to illustrate that even the best speech is a lost cause if the audience can't hear it."
To follow the AmpliVox Sound Systems blog, visit http://blog.ampli.com.